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Old October 26th, 2011, 11:26 AM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: Assailed by heroes

Originally Posted by brxbrx View Post
I love those guys. This is, though, a good opportunity to try out some commander killing stuff, as well as a recruitment chance for SC's if you've got some mind control available.
And some of those magic items aren't at all bad!
The game in question is on Turn 13. Mind control isn't an option.

Here's a little advice from his neighbor in that game:

The guy that snipes commanders does so with a bow. By turn 13 you should have a minimum of 26 air gems, allowing you to forge air shield items for your commanders if needed. That way 4 of every 5 shots from the troll sniper will fail to hit, nullifying that particular participant. Failing that, any shield with a decent parry will block most shots; double points if you forge Shields of Valor (5 air, constr-2) because they give both air shield AND a parry bonus of 8. And really, the three main terrors of that force are the sniper, Bogus (good protection, life drain sword, regen) and the griffon-knight (super high defense, fear, luck, high protection).

Given that the bad guys have high armor, massed archers might not be the right approach (though they won't hurt). Lightning bolt is an excellent choice, which your Magister Arcane can cast natively. Get enough blockers and a dedicated group of lightning spammers should kill Bogus and the griffon knight; once those two are dead you can overwhelm the rest with conventional melee troops. Be careful because I think the griffon knight has flying and is scripted to attack rear (can someone else confirm that?) so be sure to spread out your lightning spammers and maybe even put them ahead of your archers. Something like

<-- Back --- Front -->

I won't deny that it was a real rough break having Bogus and co. sitting on your new fort. Still, pump enough volts through them and they'll die or route, and you might even get some magic items as spoils. It's a small consolation prize but at least it's something.
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