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Old October 26th, 2011, 01:43 PM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: Assailed by heroes

Originally Posted by shatner View Post
The guy that snipes commanders does so with a bow. By turn 13 you should have a minimum of 26 air gems, allowing you to forge air shield items for your commanders if needed. That way 4 of every 5 shots from the troll sniper will fail to hit, nullifying that particular participant. Failing that, any shield with a decent parry will block most shots; double points if you forge Shields of Valor (5 air, constr-2) because they give both air shield AND a parry bonus of 8. And really, the three main terrors of that force are the sniper, Bogus (good protection, life drain sword, regen) and the griffon-knight (super high defense, fear, luck, high protection).
There is also the commander flooding method. Basically, the AI usually tries to hit high HP targets when possible. Mages frequently have fewer hit points than fairly heavily armored indie commanders who shuttle troops around. Getting a group of those to stand out in front of the mages, ordered to Hold Position x 5 could potientially draw fire long enough to take at least some of the heroes down with lightning.
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