No, thejeff's answers match what I thought I said. He just streamlined it and emphasized different stuff. I added the AI confusion.
Originally Posted by JonBrave
Let's (deliberately) take a very simple example:
- I have a level 1 mage scripted to cast a level 1 spell with 100- fatigue.
- I do not give him any gems.
- The enemy is considered "worthy" of gemming against. (Edit: or rather, "tough enough".)
- There are no other relevant factors

Does he indeed cast the 100 spell if 1st scripted? If he had first cast, say, a 10- buff, would that affect his likelihood to cast a 100- on next round? Can I do several 10- -type buffs, and conclude scripting with a 100- ?
Clarify it so:
1S caster has one pearl and is scripted to cast Power of the Spheres.
Not without other relevant factors.
Sometimes "other relevant factors" is "the AI really likes this one spell that you just researched that this mage can cast," but the basic answer is that the fatigue cost of the spell isn't a critical determinant most of the time when the mage decides whether to follow your script.