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Old October 30th, 2011, 02:19 AM
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Default Re: MA Ulm Invades MA C'tis (advice requested)

Foodstamp is right, the following unit types will not be affected by Miasma:
Swamp Survival

And the following units are immune to disease (and hence Miasma):

Golems are not really a great plan against MA C'tis because he has cheap S1 shamans who will magic duel you. If you have access to Gift of Reason, Gargoyles are probably your cheapest E option for trashing his PD. C'tis PD is absolutely terrible. A Siege Golem eliminates the need for a big army to take down his walls.

To convert his dominion, your master smiths can make stone idols, or you can just sacrifice (you'll lose some to miasma) a few of your recruit-anywhere inquisitor black priests. I'd go with the priests, to save your gems.
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