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Old November 2nd, 2011, 04:36 PM

Jiggymike Jiggymike is offline
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Default Re: Noobaclysm! Cataclysm mod game for noobs. RECRUITING

Welcome to the game choibill!

Originally Posted by pakoito View Post
I want some turn limit or a smaller map or else this can last one year.
OK, then we'll implement a turn limit. I'd prefer to keep the map on the larger side because you'll need to find some sites to begin rounding out your nation and I want to give everyone a chance, plus it will increase variation. I was hoping for something a little more casual though, so how about starting at 48hrs and adjusting from there? I figure people will want to get their turns in but if we have 10 people, some of them might be more truant than others.

Also, still looking for map recommendations! If we get to 9-10, I think we should do Plane of Rusty Nails, but if we only get 6 or 7 that would be way too big. Think around 15 provinces per nation, preferably wrap around.
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