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Old November 7th, 2011, 10:01 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: Gandalf's Tower - (Running)

Well, I'm the most experienced player here by far. Seems I've managed to get myself into a something of a newbgame, tho not intentionally. Let's not forget that we're playing a tower map as well, which is perfect for a overly aggressive player like myself since I can't be ganked.

My point is, I'm fairly certain I can't be beat even at this point, partially due to a somewhat better start position (not far from water and next to a crippled Marginon), quite a lot more experience and, well, let's face it, Midgard's not really a bad nation either.
So, keeping all that in mind and the fact that we seem to be loosing a second player, I'm fine with closing this game. I doubt it would give me much pleasure to bash on the AI and the rest of you one by one.

However, if you guys want to continue I certainly won't turn my back on this game.
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