Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
By unanimous decision of the Deep Council,
Presided by Kiksanu the Swift,
Approved by Nur-i Tagh, representative of our Lord Jörmungandr,
Held in presence of all ambassadors of friendly civilized nations:
- The Master Keeper of Memories is asked to enter an exceptional record for the Late Fall in the Year 2 of the Ascension War, in honor of the supremely creative Generals of R'lyeh. The marble engravings are to be located next to the extracts from "The Art of War" by an old Tien Chi general, engraved 2 millenia ago; the header is to be entitled "New military innovation by R'lyeh: how to attack the enemy who expects you the most with underwhelming forces to make sure they get all crushed."
- A complementary column facet shall be devoted to "A hero's true martyrdom: how to donate a full set of magical items and making sure they reach the enemy's laboratory, without inflicting any casualties."
- Finally, the third column facet is to bear a conclusive note on "How the unjustified thirst of blood marked the decline of R'lyeh, who chose to engage in a lost war rather than building a strong kingdom on dry land at the expense of uncivilized tribes left alone by other nations."
The Master of fishermen is to drown a bottle in the nearby lake with the following message, for some random fish-like creature, mind-free or not, to read it:
"O esteemed Deep Ones! The Oracles had expected your coming and thank you for the timely appearance of your visitors on three provinces of our well-protected domains. We promise we will take good care of the unfortunate creatures we delivered from eternal servitude and of the tentacles we found still moving on the ground. Our keeper of memories keeps a precise account of our respective debts and credits. Those shall be repaid in time, with interest. Observe well the mountains which dominate your pounds: note how they are cold-blooded and slow-tempered by nature; but how well they remember even the slightest drop of water that falls on them."