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Old November 12th, 2011, 03:21 AM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Like Gandalf said, the game is not yet at a point where modding could be tested.

One of the most loudly voiced complaints about Dom3 was that the AI was no challenge once you learned the game and that it was a one-trick pony. CoE3 has a lot more work in that regard and the different classes do not play according to the same playbook when under AI control. That is not a trivial amount of work and it shows.

The multiplayer network side is not yet finished and most certainly not documented enough for players to use. That absolutely needs to come first. Single player and hotseat MP work quite well already, but the network MP is the single most important aspect that needs focus right now.

Again, remember that Johan is the only one coding this and he is doing it on his free time since he has a day job. With that fact in mind, the progress has been rapid.

As I said in my previous post, patience is required. We know from Dom3 already that Johan has an interest in modding and Kristoffer as well. Therefore it is not unreasonable to entertain the possibility of CoE3 being moddable, but available time and priorities right now mean we don't have any word.

Keep in mind also that Johan and Kristoffer play their cards close to their chest as they have always done. It is not unusual to have something change quite a bit between one incremental version or the next or having a full-fledged new feature dropped on us without any advance warning.

That is the reason that the best and most accurate thing we can tell you is "It has been mentioned once in passing, but right now we don't know."

If modding is added, you can expect an immediate announcement in this thread.
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