Originally Posted by Jiggymike
TwoBits, just so we're clear, it's generally considered bad form to send one diseased commander at an army. I have no idea if it was a mistake or what your intention was but it's because you can use that to prevent an entire army from moving (just a bit of a foible of the game). Fortunately I was planning on maintaining the siege.
Oops, sorry about that! I had just noticed this diseased commander, and figured I'd pull the typical suicide move to save a few gold on upkeep, and maybe gain some intel while I was at it.
But looking at it from your perspective, I can see how it might appear to be just another variant of the 'scout blocking' exploit.
Truly wasn't my intention though. I'll have to pay more attention to those kinds of details (and maybe try to use someone's PD to 'shed payroll').