Re: MA P'ktal - Neogi Dominion v0.8
Alright, first off you should make the archers archers wearing leather or something, their resource cost makes then next to useless imo.
Secondly you need to shade the Neogi, look at other models to see how they do it, there's also a drawing guide somewhere on this forum that you should look at. It looks like you have the potential to make better sprites then you have there. They should also look more spidery, they're legs look like jelly at the moment.
The sword and shield and the crossbow Neogi also look a bit silly, the attack animations arn't bad though they could move a bit more. I'd remove them from your nation to be honest and make the crossbowmen into something that uses Mind Blast or something a little weaker. And the armored Neogi have more strength and large chitinous growths that act as armor rather then the dumb looking armor. I also read they have a slowing bite, you could impalement that in their attacks.
I'd also recommend given that these are mind controlling aberrations I'd put a bigger emphasis on slavery and less on having them as warriors themselves add more enslaved humans or aberrations. They are also very adapt at enslaving Umber Hulks you could easily base a unit around that having them spawn an Umber Hulk at the start of each battle which then disappears at the end. Or a Commander that gathers them.
Old Great Masters should be about the size of an elephant too since they are the D&D size Huge, they should also have a Swallow whole attack. Umber hulks should have some sort of 1 use confuse attack too. You may also want to include Mind Flayers as recruit able units and commanders as Neogi supposedly have a good relationship with them, this would be good for you as then you don't need the dumb looking crossbowmen because your nation will have ranged attackers. Also the sprites already exist in R'yleh.
I hope this has been constructive for you and best of luck with the mod.
Last edited by Juzza; November 16th, 2011 at 02:22 AM..