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Old November 16th, 2011, 11:44 PM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: ShatnerMA Noob to Intermediate (Running)

The following is a message intended for all nations of the world, as sent at the behest of the Coral Council, the Kings of the Kings of the Deep, the leaders of Atlantis:

With the last gasp of the Illithid military, we, Atlantis, have earned our title as the Kings of the Deep. Having forged an empire through might, magic and cunning we feel we are now worthy of addressing the world at large, to make our intentions known to all the land dwellers.

First know that once it was clear that R'lyeh had no hope of victory, we offered the mind flayers terms of surrender. Despite the ancient feud between our races, the Kings of Atlantis would not slaughter an entire people without first extending the webbed hand of mercy. R'lyeh was a fearsome opponent who fought well but their legacy shall endure because of their wisdom, not their ferocity: in the end they chose to preserve their people over their pride. Though the warriors of R'lyeh are no more, the civilians, the old, the infirm and the repentant have been made vassals of Atlantis and now under our rule and our protection. All hail to a worthy opponent, glorious in defeat as in victory.

Having established that we are an honorable people, we wish to inform the world that we make no claim to any of the land, save those provinces adjacent to our capital. Our scouts inform us that there is bloodshed enough on the surface; we have no wish to contribute to it further. If you find our military having hauled itself up out of the water, it is only to move into the watery province on the other side; your province will be left unguarded for your immediate reclamation.

Having established that we are a peaceful people, know that we will claim every ocean province in this world; it is ours by right and by intent. We have domestic matters to attend to for the moment but in time each province will be scouted and then seized. Where these provinces are owned by the nations of the land, we will attempt to negotiate the bloodless surrender of the province through trade of gold, gems or forged items. If no reasonable deal can be made then we will seize the province by force of arms, faith and sorcery. Our patience is deep but our wrath is as fathomless as the water we rule. Those who make us their friends will find us generous. Those who make us their enemies will find us terrible.

Know that we have no stake nor interest in your dry and dusty disputes with one another. This means we can be impartial and fair in our dealings with others. There is much that our nation has to offer yet there is much it lacks so we invite all, without prejudice, to come and trade with us.
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