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Old November 17th, 2011, 04:16 PM
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

It took few weeks before the prophet's plans carried fruit. The days were long for waiting men.

When they finally did, it appeared to be the busiest day for months in the encampment under the long shadow of the Fort Faran, the makeshift forward operations base for Machaka's eastern field armies.

The sunrise was not yet even a slight promise when the runners appeared from the west. Ermor had launched a full scale invasion against the pass of White Peaks, the stronghold resisting still firm against Ermor's western expeditions. Johannes held his breath and almost said a prayer alound.

He bite his lip with his teethless mouth and cursed instead. There was no-one to hear his prayers. He whose name should not be mentioned was there, in the camp located in the pass of White Peaks. If he cant command those undead hordes, who could ever help poor spider folk?

At the same time, a new winded runner approached. With a guest from the underwater kingdom of R'lyeh. They, of the all people, had heeded the prophet's call and terms were quickly agreed. Armies from the seafloor would take the responsebility to slay the eastern provinces of Ermor.

Stone rolled from the hearth of the prophet.

Even if the stronghold located in the pass of White Peaks would fall, Ermor could not stand long anymore. Justice would be served.

Later that afternoon Belit the black sorceress from the black coast, arrived wounded with pitch bad news. The raiding party sent to crush last Ermor province still resisting Machaka reign north from the fortress of Faran had been hacked into pieces. Those still alive had scattered like chaff in the wind. Regrouping them would take time, and might not even pay the effort.

"Dark skin, dark words" Johannes thought. He had barely dismissed her, when a new messenger arrived from the east.

Along with the another one from the west.

The Machaka one was received first. The new suprime commander of Machaka army, Oberyn Martell, had lead the defence in the pass of White Peaks, under the direct command of He whose name should not be mentioned. The battle was costly and numerous were the tribal women whose men would never return.

But Oberyn Martell had routed the enemy, and while they were running, slaid many of them.

The supreme commander of all Machaka armies had won a nickname The Red Spider that day because of his unique (it was common misbelief, Johannes knew) flame whip he used to slice his enemies.

After all this the old prophet felt exhausted, but he still had to receive the last messenger from the eastern province.

The message was short: "Armies of R'lyeh had landed and claimed their first province." The emissary from the R'lyeh stepped out of the shadows with a wicked smirk. Johannes knew what he needed to do and summoned the keeper of the gold. At least the day turned to better in the end.

He needed to hear the details of the Battle of White Peaks, but not today. Today they were to have a feast. An event they had not held for so long...
"Mikään ei voita reipasta sotilaallista meininkiä, paitsi vieläkin reippaampi sotilaallinen meininki."

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