I have been
getting the same issue. However, despite getting the same "could not be delivered" message, my turns have all made it to Llamaserver successfully. I've even had a turn host in a different MP game and I can attest that my turn was received and handled successfully.
That said, I checked the ShatnerMA Llamaserver page and your turn, triqui, hadn't been received. I went in and delayed the hosting by 24 hours (it was gonna host in 20 minutes; good thing I got up early this morning).
I have already posted in the Llamserver Problems thread so I don't guess there's much else for us to do but wait. Triqui, try and submit your turn every so often today to see if it'll go through. I've successfully submitted probably 6 MP turns since this email issue started so hopefully the double error you are experiencing is just a short-lived glitch.
Let me know if anything else crops up.