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Old November 19th, 2011, 12:01 PM

Numahr Numahr is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

Lord Aguadillas, Sergent of the stellar half-fishes,

It appears that the Sea of Plenty in inhabited by people worshipping the God of Primordial Waters. Because of this fact, we know with precision the economic assets of this province and we an offer you a fair deal for it. We offer you a swap with the province of Lithia, South of Smallsea. This province offers an income of 72 gold coins every turn thanks to a taxable population of 7,120 souls. It gathers 30 resources every turn. We are ready to build a fort and a laboratory in it before handling it to you. We believe that this province + ceding rights North of Robber Home bridge is a fair deal in exchange of the Sea of Plenty.

As you see Agarthans are ready to go far to make peace with you. The only thing we cannot give up is Sea of Plenty, for obvious security reasons - we don't want our capital to be under permanent threat of hostile raiding. We hope this proposal can conclude our peace negotiations.

Nur-i Tagh, the Mountain Light
Holder of a full accreditation from the Deep Council
Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods
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