Thread: Opening Gambit
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Old November 22nd, 2011, 09:28 PM

Starbelly Geek Starbelly Geek is offline
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Default Re: Opening Gambit

You can only have one prophet at a time, but the prophet's biggest value is in its ability to spread your dominion, so a scout works well because it can spread dominion stealthily OR travel along with your army as a smiter and maybe a Divine Blesser. Also, you start with it, and prophetizing it doesn't take away a mage turn.

Other than H3 units, I like to prophetize a young MA Ulm Smith to groove those evocations; LA Pangaea it's worth considering your strategy before you decide where to put that H3; death-emphasis nations can benefit a lot by prophetizing an undead commander or mage.

But there's a lot to be said for prophetizing that first scout.

For a conundrum, look at the starting leaders for Sauromatia and figure out who best to prophetize.
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