What am I doing wrong?
So, I tried a chassis today which I thought was pretty good, but the RNG didn't like very much. I GoR'd a gargoyle and kitted him out, including an amulet of Magic Resistence. With the enemy's drain scale of 1, his total MR was 17. I thought that should be reasonably adeqauate.
Instead, one of the enemy mages (S2) casts Control, and my Gargoyle is toast.
So how much MR do I need for an effective thug? I don't mind losing a thug after several turns of stomping chaff, but for the enemy mage to fry him on the *first try* scares me. Or was I just unlucky? Or does the AI cheat badly? I was playing against Mighty opponents. The mage in question was a CBM King of the Deep W2E2S2 with a pile of gems but no items to improve penetration.