Re: What am I doing wrong?
Triqui is right about the etheralness. If you are kitting thugs right, the normal damage negated by it isnt really what you're worried about. Magic is what is going to take down most thugs, and etheralness doesnt protect against it. Sure, lucky rolls can still kill your thug, but imo the robe isnt worth it- losing the protection and other benefits from the chest slot isnt worth the etheralness.
Think about it this way- etheralness protects against 75% of non-magic hits ( I think), while an amulet of luck protects against 50% of all hits, and lets you have higher protection (by having armor) for the hits that do get through. It's really a better deal.
Doubling or tripling up on thugs is also a good idea. At first it doesnt seem efficient- ideally, two fully kitted thugs could raid two different provinces. But pairing them allows you to get away with less gear on each letting you save on gems (as compared to fully equipping them). And it will increase their odds of survival.