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Old November 27th, 2011, 10:47 AM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: House Rules against the AI

Originally Posted by JonBrave View Post
For my part, currently happening to play Dawn map against all Impossible AIs, I have spent the first 8-odd turns hiring researchers at my single lab, and looking at the chart I'm about half way up the scale compared to other AIs. So how I would beat them with just one researcher is beyond me.
Dawn of Dominions is fairly stacked against you. That said, against the AI there are a few keys.
1) Province Defense. The AI is monumentally stupid, and will routinely split large forces, kill them off against PD individually, and not learn from its mistakes. PD is a good investment against the AI, and can buy you time.
2) Thugs and Supercombatants. These are amazingly good against the AI, which tends to be pretty bad at anything beyond troop swarming. An army with three banes with a fire brand, vine shield, and amulet of luck stuck way out front will be surprisingly effective, and this requires surprisingly little research.
3) With the 1 researcher per lab requirement, you will want most provinces to have labs. This includes those without forts.

I have killed a bunch of impossibles with the 1 researcher restriction using these keys multiple times, on varying maps. That includes Dawn of Dominions, playing as Caelum.
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