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Old November 28th, 2011, 12:34 PM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: House Rules against the AI

Originally Posted by triqui View Post
The AI has several big holes. Not only they aren't very original or smart in general, but they can't face some strategies at all. SC for example, is something that often defeat it. Scripting decoys to retreat to disable archers, using mass remote spells, that kind of things are very hard for AI to face.
There are a handful of spells that will just wreck the AI. Anything that summons an SC, Flames from the Sky, Mind Hunt, Enslave Mind communions, so on and so forth. They can't counter SCs, they won't make smaller armies to mitigate Flames From The Sky, they don't hand out magic resistance gear and Mind Hunt works beautifully as a result, so on and so forth. Then there are the globals, where the player can easily have five up.
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