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Old November 29th, 2011, 07:51 PM

Immaculate Immaculate is offline
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Default Re: Immaculate-002: Late Age for Noobs (now in the mid-game)


If players wish to, i would highly encourage them to begin providing some details of their early game so that we can learn from one-another, seeing as how this is a Noob game.

Also, players that are defeated should also consider giving an account of their nation, if they so choose.

For my own part, my early game involved expansion with ancestor vessels and a bee-line for alteration 4 for wind guide but i didn't realize that a rank 1 air mage could not use two air gems to cast the spell (which requires air 2 and 1 gem) until i had tried to cast it about a million different times. To start again i would have compensated for that in some way much earlier and 1) hit more stuff with my arrows and, 2) lost way less of my army (maybe?)

In terms of diplomacy, i started between patala and Atlantis and they both expanded very well, then Atlantis declared on Patala and eager to get a piece of the territory i attacked Patala also.

I think Patala's major battles were with Atlantis and i got to watch a few courtesy of my scouts- and they were very impressive indeed- those Atlantian ice guards look tough for sure. Most of my battles with Patala, unfortunately, were mostly fairly small-sized skirmishes by comparison so I don’t really feel that I got to have an adequate taste of what the Patalian war-machine is really capable of.

Anyway, if anyone else wants to share, I would be very eager to hear about how things are going for them, especially Jomon who seems like a (very threatening) giant and Patala, whom I am curious about because I know so little about them.
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