Re: Immaculate-002: Late Age for Noobs (now in the mid-game)
OK, their troops suck. My expansion was on the slower side (elephants backed with high-morale gorillas), and was funnelled towards the island by my neighbors. I was hoping to get some of the good kailasa/lanka summons before getting into a major war, but alas, it was not to be.
Once war came, I whipped out alt-4 and enhance-3 for some buffs for my troops, but it wasn't nearly enough. Those Asstaturts are tough. Their magic weapons ignored ethereal elephants and they regen'd to fast for monkey swarms to take them down. So yeah, if it had been someone else it might have worked, but after Atlantis killed a few hundred of my troops and a dozen mages, it made sense for my other two neighbors to either 1) gang up on Atlantis to prevent him from getting too strong, or 2) ganging up on me to limit atlantis's gains and then ganging up on Atlantis once his armies are weakened.
They seem to have chosen option 2.
I should have beelined for conj.5 and tried to crank out as many ghandharvas as I could. But then, my bless for them kind of sucked, I should have gone with a rainbow pretender.