Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
O brave Monkey Folk!
Your renown courage is one more proven to the whole world. Your awakening at the twilight of the bloody war our people fought against the R'lyeh abomination is very much welcome by the Deep Council. Of course, we would have appreciated your help earlier, when our lands and farmers were ravaged by the vicious mind-torturers. However, by the sole strength of our Ancient Soldiers, we defeated the Threat, not without paying a heavy price of blood.
In this context have no worry that our war-weary but victorious armies can handle the last strongholds of the other-worldly creatures. As I speak, Agarthan legions are already on their way to engage the Tentacles in Antediluvia (65) and the Sea of Carassos (36) in the next few days, so you need not risk your own inexperienced troops' lifes in these provinces. In particular, a brave Agarthan hero was slayed in Antediluvia by a vicious mind attack after killing almost the whole garrison, so killing the guilty mages has become a matter of honor for the Deep Council, and appropriate assets have been deployed for this particular task. However, as it will take one more month to reach Boat Eater (100) and Green Sea (27), I suggest you focus your offensive power in these areas and strike there immediately with all the forces you can dispatch. By so doing you will make a great contribution to ending this terrible war, and you shall keep these provinces as a fair reward, proportionate to your risk-taking and efforts in the war.
Bandari brothers! Clean your war drums from a long accumulated dust, awake your Yogis from their meditative sleep, join us and may the brotherly wrath of Agartha and Bandar Log vanquish the vicious tentacles for ever!
Shetyrs, War Veteran and High Representative of the Deep Council in the Dragon Pointe region
Last edited by Numahr; December 5th, 2011 at 05:59 AM..
Reason: Added signature