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Old December 6th, 2011, 10:32 AM

Groundworm Groundworm is offline
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Groundworm is on a distinguished road
Default Sticks and Bones- LA, intermediate players (running)

Looking for intermediate players- you know the game, have a few MP games under your belt, but you're nowhere near a veteran.

Map: Plane of Rusty Nails v4
Players: 9
Mods: CBM 1.92
Era: late age
independent strength: 7
site frequency: 45
Hall of Fame: 15
score graphs on
all other settings default
banned nations: Ermor, R'lyeh
hosting: Llamaserver
24h turns for as long as possible, extensions granted liberally (but not every turn, please)
diplomacy is binding

1) Groundworm- Bogarus
2) vargr- Midgard
3) yandav- C'tis
4) Hurmio- Ulm
5) Bullock- Abysia
6) ghoul31- Agartha
7) HoleyDooley- Pangaea
8) bgifu- T'ien Ch'i
9) mockingbird- Marignon

Last edited by Groundworm; December 13th, 2011 at 02:10 PM..
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