Thread: Finnish OOB 5.5
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Old December 9th, 2011, 11:28 AM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Re: Finnish OOB 5.5

Originally Posted by Suhiir View Post
If I might offer a suggestion.

When you come up with a possible addition or change to an OOB stop and ask yourself :

Is this merely cosmetic or does it "add something" to the OOB?

Can some new item or change to an existing one be relatively seamlessly and easily added to the OOB without requiring a massive change to the existing formations?

How common is the new item? Do enough of them exist to warrant inclusion in the OOB?

Does an existing item in the OOB fill the role of the new item?
(A good example is trucks, there are a zillion different makes and models with minor differences in speed and carry capacity but most OOBs use a fairly generic light, medium, and heavy truck)
Come on, proposals are for free - it's up to decision of our HQ. I proposed Komsomolets only because it is already available in several oobs (yet with incorrect specs) and it has own icon and picture. On the other hand, Finland was the only country, which used them after the war. It is interesting example of armoured MG-armed artillery tractor, which could be also used as a tankette.

As for trucks, if we have lots of free slots, we could also fill them with wider variety of trucks, to give better taste - but it's only my humble opinion.

As for Don's answer - it's a fair enough reason to keep its high carry capacity, though in fact it was only a tractor for AT-guns. But I think it's worth to give it its gun and armour at least, and change Komsomolets in other countries to actually used tractors?

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