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Old December 9th, 2011, 07:45 PM

Numahr Numahr is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

Emperor of Tien Chi!

As we said, in case it requires clarifications, it is understandable that you conquer back all lost provinces. We only request you to leave the last 4 provinces of the Ulmian heartland. Ulm's counter-attack was legitimate as it was a case of self-defense. Now that you have proven your right over your territory, be reasonable and do not crush a brilliant civilization for the sake of revenge

As we, Agarthans, have been with Ermor. When coming to the assistance of Machaka, we did not try to get more provinces than required: we always coordinated our attacks with Johannes, letting the spider riders conquer whatever they could.

Johannes of Machaka!

As we have stated before, we believe in a world of peace. When the prophecy fulfills and the time of Ascension arrives, Jörmungandr is willing to consider the best out of the best to chose his close and trusted deputies. He will need the assistance of the most powerful mages and warriors of this world. The Great Nuhatussu's leadership in the Ermorian war commands respect. He and His followers share our own folk's attraction for heat. The Machakan burning plains and the Agarthan deep halls beneath are made to unite!

The Agarthan - Machakan friendship has already been demonstrated during the Ermorian war, when we collaborated in a genuinely cooperative manner over which provinces would be for whom to administrate. Let us pursue and strengthen this friendship. If global peace was to be broken in our world, let us fight side by side! Be sure that the Agarthan riches, such as the token of friendship this envoy sends to you, will then be for us to share with you.

O four-armed neighbors!

What does this sudden war-mongering mean? "Bloodlust"? Was not the Ermorian heresy crushed already, as well as the other-worldly mind-rapers?

Ratheldun the Bane of Tentacles,
General Secretary of the Deep Council
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