Originally Posted by Baalz
Ancestor vessels' arrows cause fear, and you've also got mages who can spam panic and terror. There are worse uses of your death gems than conjuring ghosts or other fear aura troops while leveraging your mobility to cut off the retreat of whoever you're planning on routing. Don't discount how effective this can be, particularly if you're clever about fighting in your dominion and you time it so that the enemy is partially starving. Pay attention to the terrain and leverage your mobility to control when and where the fighting happens. Hit and run, hit and run, causing afflictions all the way, then blamo that huge army chases you into a wasteland and promptly breaks and is killed to a man with hardly a friendly casualty.
It occurs to me that fear spamming is an even more viable tactic for LA TC in the most recent CBMs. With "Wailing Winds" easier (D3 A1, instead of D4A1, and Level 4 Evo instead of 6!) to cast, any Ancestor Guide with an extra D gem can cast it. Combined with "Panic", "Terror" and the howling bows, you can beat up the enemy's moral right quick. This guide didnt mention "False Horror", but that is available too (for Ancestor guides casting storm power), even if it comes a bit too late to be very useful. Khans also cause lesser fear now, though I still wouldn't bother with them. Lastly, the global "Dark Skies" is now cheaper (30 gems instead of 50) and lower level (Thaum 5, down from 7),and while it will almost certainly be dispelled, you might keep it long enough to use it to good effect in a war or two.