Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Lady of Tien Chi!
The Deep Council Oracles have been touched by the arguments put forward by your wise lawyers. In response, I am bearer of the following message:
- Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods, wishes to re-instate Harmony in this world. He does not wish to exterminate all other vehicles of the divine! That is why He is called "Councilor of Gods". Therefore He feels much honored by your plea of allegiance. Surely Li Xue, Guardian of the Bridge, and Her bureaucrats can help in administrating some the celestial plans, as Jörmungandr and His Agarthan servants have less interest in this aspect than in others. Details on your new domains shall be made clear later, at the time of Ascension.
- In the short term, considering your readiness for Jörmungandr's Ascension, the Deep Council withdraws our previously stated guarantee over the Ulmian heartland with immediate effect.
- In this context we call for Khorne, Prince of (some) Mountains: are you ready to clearly and publicly recognize Jörmungandr's Lordship?
- Li Xue, surely your plea of allegiance changes our approach to the Ulmian-Tien Chi conflict, in a favorable way for your kingdom. Still, we need to wait one moon in order to get (or not) the awaited feedback from Nuhatussu the Great and Khorne the Strong on their willingness to collaborate with Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods. Based on these, we will assess the situation and take position during the next moon.
May the infinite strength of the mountains give you vigor and vitality in this Spring!
Ratheldun the Bane of Tentacles,
General Secretary of the Deep Council
Interim messenger of Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods
(a new prophet of a whole new dimension is being nominated and will become the new messenger of Jörmungandr next moon)