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Old December 10th, 2011, 01:12 PM

Shangrila00 Shangrila00 is offline
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Default Re: LA Tien Chi: Barbarian Kings Strategy Guide 2.0

The main problem with that is you need to focus research on Thaumaturgy and Evocation when Tien Chi also really likes Alteration, Enchantment, Construction, and Conjuration (those Celestial Soldiers are really good in CBM, if you have a good bless), and you can't possibly cover them all. Tien Chi doesn't have the stealth or flying options to really leverage army routing, so it's good, but maybe not better than going mainly Smiths spamming Destruction and buffing all your heavy cavalry with Legions of Steel, Strength of Giants, and Weapons of Sharpness. And if you're going construction for weapons of sharpness, it can be pretty fun to grab some artifacts too, with the Ark seemingly made for TC.
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