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Old December 12th, 2011, 11:45 AM

Numahr Numahr is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

*** Special Message from Sang-i Setareh, Prophet of Jörmungandr, to the Glorious Nation of Bandar Log, addressed to all, from the tiniest Markata to the wisest White Ones ***


Fear not, for Jörmungandr's love for all his subjects and future subjects is infinite.

Of course, his judgment over the foolish acts of Szivi, the so-called "Hidden One" and self-proclaimed Lord of Bandar Log, is another matter. Clearly the fact that the Eater of Gods Himself came to punish him is a clear enough indication that the petty druid, in his greed for power, went too far and threatened to break the Order of this World. As a result, you poor monkey Nation is now Orphan, without leadership! A very dangerous situation we can only describe as "anarchy". Only the Tentacles experienced such a power vacancy in recorded history and we all saw to which disastrous ends it took us all.

In this context, Jörmungandr extends His Loving Hand to you, orphan monkey-folk! Reject the sinful Szivi, let him remain "hidden", as he claims to be, until the end of times, and send us your declaration of allegiance to the Councilor of Gods, who shall therefore free you from the burden of administrating your land. You will be able to focus on your meditative activities and fruit orgies depending on personal preferences while we take a good care of all other, boring tasks. And so with the Ascension of Jörmungandr, under the wise administration of His deputies Li Xue, Khorne (and Nuhatussu?), your peaceful people and their holy White Ones will enjoy a privileged and peaceful existence for the next millenia to come. And never Jörmungandr will leave you, His beloved children, alone as Szivi did, so inconsequently.

You only have to reject Szivi's claim for sovereignty over your nation to allow this new golden era to start!
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