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Old December 12th, 2011, 01:13 PM

SsSam SsSam is offline
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Default Re: LA Atlantis - Mobility, Infantry, Liquidity

Originally Posted by Immaculate View Post
very frightening.

can you give any specific advice for countering this nation, in particular form a Ti'en Ch'i perspective (just jokes).

but yeah, seriously, very impressive game-style.
....Many nations look this scary by themselves. One of the reasons pvp players are so different than solo games is that you have to pick specific avenues you want to go down and then go down them as fast as you can.

FWIW I was in a very large multiplayer game as atlantis and got off to what I thought was a very good start. The game was effectively over on turn 40 because another player on a landlocked very distant part of the map got off to a better start. He was able to drop horror's all over me and....I was so far away with nations in between that I didn't really have an effective counter.

That's not meant as pooh-poohing Atlantis which is a fine nation, but to make you realize that getting there fastest with the mostest is usually the answer.
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