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Old December 12th, 2011, 01:40 PM

shatner shatner is offline
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Default Re: LA Atlantis - Mobility, Infantry, Liquidity

Originally Posted by SsSam View Post
FWIW I was in a very large multiplayer game as atlantis and got off to what I thought was a very good start. The game was effectively over on turn 40 because another player on a landlocked very distant part of the map got off to a better start. He was able to drop horror's all over me and....I was so far away with nations in between that I didn't really have an effective counter.

That's not meant as pooh-poohing Atlantis which is a fine nation, but to make you realize that getting there fastest with the mostest is usually the answer.
While what you're saying is true, it's true in a general sense and can be applied to all nations. However, I would argue that Atlantis is better equipped to deal with an across-the-map foe than most nations. Using the water teleportation spells combined with your heavy infantry and excellent commander-mage-priests you can turn one adjacent water province across the map into a point of invasion which is two moves from your capital. That option exists for LA Atlantis and, to a much lesser extent, R'lyeh, but not really for anyone else.

True, this won't work if the opponent is completely landlocked and buried behind several other land nations but then, no one has a truly solid response to that. But if there is a water province nearby, even if it's just a single lake province surrounded by land, then you can turn it into geyser which shoots out Atlantian vengeance.

Combine that with LA Atlantis' skill at expanding very quickly in the early game and they should be better able to deal with remote enemies. In my current LA Atlantis game, I've never waged war on my neighbors; only on the guys across the map. Solid, preemptive diplomacy has allowed me to get big and bad but not have to watch out for invasion nearly so much as would normally be the case.
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