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Old December 14th, 2011, 08:13 AM

Numahr Numahr is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

*** Personal and confidential message for Szivi the Sinner from Jörmungandr, the God of Primordial Waters, Patron of SOldiers ***

O Szivi!

I break the diplomatic etiquette of sending messages through my beloved subjects as the matter at hand is too serious.

I remember the times when we fought together against the other-worldly R'lyeh abomination. A time of harmony. A time, unfortunately, which now belongs to the past.

Your case, I have to say with sadness, is in-defensible. Basically your presence in this world is not welcome anymore as it has become contrary to harmony. The circumstances in which the Eater of God himself came to punish you, because of your monstrous greed for power, are a clear illustration. This should have closed the case. And now you are here again, after a few moons spent in Tartarus with the heretic Aguadillas and B'Jandis. I guess we will never know what business exactly you had in there with the very abominations we banished from this world. It only makes your case, I am afraid, even more suspicious. And now you refused answering diplomatic messages sent by my servitors.

It is with great regret that I have to take the logical consequences of your acts, and declare you physical re-incarnation in this world and your lordship over the monkeyfolk as a violation of this world's Laws and Equilibrium.

You cannot imagine the pain I feel at taking this difficult, albeit necessary decision. As a gesture of mercy, we give you one alternative: recognize immediately your sins and my Lordship over this world, and, considering your devouring passion for texts, through which your sins became obvious to all, you shall become "marble engraver of the 317th Cave-Hall, 17th Grade, 4th Rank". You immediate supervisor, a Pale One former Sergeant made half-crazy and inapt for *organized* war by the Tentacles' mind attacks, has been requested by myself to show mercy on you.

You have three months to present yourself at an Agarthan border post where the local garrison will take good care of you. If, by early autumn in the Year 5 of the Ascension War, you have not surrendered yourself, all nations will be authorized to take any action necessary to suppress the threat your very presence creates for the world's harmony.

Your own fate lies in your hands, friend. We urge you to follow the path of love and redemption!
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