Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Dear Li Xue!
We have to request a clarification here. We have issued a guarantee over your heartland, and adopted a neutral position in your war, in exchange of your allegiance to Jörmungandr.
You cannot at the same time proclaim yourself friend of our enemy.
So we have to respectfully ask you to make clear your allegiance in full transparency, so that we know what policy the Deep Council should adopt toward our Western borders.
On our part, we stand by our words. And we believe your interests match ours. Do you expect you can stop Szivi in a world where his dreams come true and he has crushed the Mountains Wise? No, in this world Szivi will leave no chance to other nations. But siding with Szivi means turning your very capital into a front line target, and not in the long term...
On the other hand, remaining true to your plea of allegiance will allow you to earn a place close to Jörmungandr in the New Order to come, and will ensure your empire in decline experiences a new golden age.
True, we do not promise you help in your war against Ulm. But we guaranteed your heartland against any attacker, including Ulm. Our position is fair and impartial. What we promise you (as well as Ulm) is even more precious than a few gold coins, gems or trinkets: a guaranteed seat at the Council of Gods, with a complete defensive alliance against anyone threatening your very existence. Do not throw away this offer to become someone else's cheap mercenary!
Finally, whatever option you take, we still consider both our nations as bound by the Oath of Peace we committed to years ago [NAP3].
Sang-i Setareh,
on behalf of Jörmungandr
Last edited by Numahr; December 14th, 2011 at 06:44 PM..