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Old December 15th, 2011, 02:54 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

Obviously u r the one who can save the lifes of the monkeyfolk, since your soldiers will be slaughtering them in a couple month when u launch ur invasion, at ur command.

Originally Posted by Numahr View Post
Thanks for clarification, noble Li Xue. May your Kingdom revive like the volcano awakening from under its own dust.

Szivi, we invite you to stop your petty attempts at corrupting the hearts of Lords who, in spite of lesser "economic power", as you say, display greater morale value and honor.

This interest on the economic aspect of things, by the way, is quite unworthy of a Lord of your status and shows something of your greed: it is well-known that only farmers, traders and accountants care about gold. Our Lord Jörmungandr, on His part, is concerned with the Invisible, greater Justice and the world's Harmony. From this point of view, He has certainly more in common with the wise White Ones than you have.

Szivi! while we still have time! Listen to our Lord's message of redemption, free the monkey folk from your yoke and have the wisdom to choose the honorable path that is offered to you, that will save the lives of many!

Sang-i Setareh,
on behalf of Jörmungandr
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