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Old December 16th, 2011, 10:33 AM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Originally Posted by samoht View Post
My experience with CoE2 was that only bandits, deer and wolves actually wandered. The rest of the indy's just stayed put where I found them. So you're saying that has been changed?
Yes. There are wandering stacks of many sorts of independents and there are also sites that generate more independents who then go on to make nuisances of themselves. Flagging such structures puts a stop to those shenanigans until someone unflags it (so better leave a garrison if possible).

And like Gandalf said, some of the wandering independents can be really tough. A good starting army can take down a Manticore...maybe...if they're lucky...and if they have defensive terrain - or not. Some of the other stuff that can be found wandering on its own will makes a manticore look tame.

The early game can be a real game of chance (including if you chance to go in a wrong direction and find nothing while ini the opposite direction there would have been plenty...) and sometimes you just can't win.

Originally Posted by Johan K
CoE is supposed to be unfair =)
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