December 18th, 2011, 08:28 AM
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Re: My Pretender picked up Lycantropos Amulet
Originally Posted by Olm
It just dawns on me, that the Amulet was my own. Carried by a mother of Avalon who in turn picked it from a lord warden some time ago.
That mother could have sneaked away before the battle easily, but I thought here useless and didn't care.
Man, had I used her as a scout...
Originally Posted by Olm
One of my mothers of Avalon picked up a Lychantropos Amulet from one of my Lord Wardens.
I didn't care about her and let her attend the next major battle. She rushed the enemy and was the only of my 22 commanders to die. But the Amulet was picked up by my rainbow pretender, with the ability to cast Fog Warriors, Battle Fortune and such nice things. It will have been her last battle. She retired and waits for becoming a skinshifter.
NOOOO, i loved that battle. Hope you get rid of it.