Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
TigerBlood: Your nation concept is good, although slightly more focused on fleshing out the nation than the Pretender as I had originally envisioned. I am getting a strong Chaotic Neutral or possibly even Chaotic Evil impression from the description which is kind of what we are aiming for rather than specifically stating Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Evil (since sometimes the descriptions can describe how those chaotic decisions are going to be made) To use your nation description as an example: as a player I will get the impression that the strong and independent will find a stalwart and fairly reliable ally in your nation and the weak that cannot stand on their own may find their support evaporate at the time its needed most as your nation helps cull the weak to benefit the strong.
Perhaps the only edit I would recommend is to add a little bit more into your description on how your God came to be worshiped by this cult. Is it his impressive strength that has drawn their worship or is this an entity that manifested itself as the very embodiment of the ideals that this nation had so fervently believed in. Or perhaps this is some mortal philosopher that has taught this concept to the once peaceful Pangaean citizens and has shed his birth name in favor of the very ideal that he has coined when they chose to worship him.