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Old December 18th, 2011, 08:08 PM

TigerBlood TigerBlood is offline
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Default Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)

Fair enough. I can't figure out how to edit my previous post, so I'll just tack this on.

Natural Selection

Survival of the fittest. This philosophy pervades all aspects of Pangaean society; in the home, in trade, in revelry and especially in warfare. To the Pangaean, existance is not a fundamental right. Existance is an incessant struggle; only those with advantageous traits and the ruthless determination to use those traits to their fullest are deserving of survival. All others exist only to service the strong until they are discarded or predated into extinction.

Every citizen of Pangaea lives each day as though it may be their last, for it may well be. Prior achievements and social obligations mean nothing. Any open display of weakness is an invitation for exploitation by your peers. Today's champion can easily be tommorow's sacrifice, and Pangaea's need for sacrifice is great. All blood spilled in the name of Natural Selection strengthens Pangaea. Each new generation is more ruthless, cunning and physically capable than the last. Once all trace of weakness has been stripped away from the world, the Pangaeans will be as gods.

Natural Selection is the embodiment of an ideal. Perhaps it is just an exceptionally cunning Pangaean, manipulating the nation in order to bring about it's own personal evolution into the position of Pantokrator, caring nothing about the ultimate fate of the Pangaean people. It may also be a primal concept that has been made manifest via the collective will of a nation and thousands upon thousands of blood sacrifices. None can say for sure. The only certainty is that Natural Selection acts with a singular drive and purpose, sometimes calculating, often uncomromising, always without remorse.
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