Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Aruna! Please don't take Agarthans for fools! I don't even dare to transmit your message to the Deep Council! A frenzy half God equipped with demonic weapons teleports to our territory "by accident"?
Not only this but an innocent Shambler tribal chief was found killed, his brain changed into spoiled mashed bananas; and one of Jörmungandr's son, also located in a sea next to your lands, felt some nasty mind inquisition, although he easily resisted it.
And you really want us to believe that all these illegal, treacherous acts of agression were misinterpreted orders? This is not serious. Either Szivi gives up all claims of Lordship over the monkey folk as we asked, and we can forgive him; or either he claims to be the Lord of Bandar Log, and then he has to take responsibilities for these actions, and not make some exotic claims on "misunderstood orders". Do not throw away what little honor you still hold in the face of the world!
Sang-i Setareh
in Behalf of Jörmungandr, God of Primordial Waters and Patron of Soldiers