Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
The Hinnom may be tall of stature but it is to a diminutive creature they bow their heads in prayer and obedience.
Alvira, Lord of the Hinnom earned this lofty office through the power of his mind. He spent his valuable time as a youth in the learned halls of the outcast mages in lands long since gone. This time was well spent and he emerged from his studies a mage of incredible power and knowledge.
His travels amongst the lands of the people led him to the Hinnom who were obedient to Tangst the Strong Arm. In a battle lasting little more than 30 seconds Alvira cast down the giant Tangst with a powerful mind blast and took his place as the new God of the Hinnom.
Once his position of power was secure he set about building an army of giants backed by a solid core of magics provided by many willing students of his arts. Alvira has promised his new congregation a return to their powerful status among the earthly. A promise the Hinnom were eager to accept.
Thus it has come to pass that the time of reckoning has arrived. Alvira has embarked upon his quest of world domination but he knows that force of arms will not be enough. Diplomacy and subterfuge will also be needed.
A man of his word, Alvira will seek willing allies whom he shall reward greatly for their assistance, but in the end, there can be only one!