Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Recruiting)
The Saga Continues......
Alvira knew he was mortal and that there would come a time when he would depart this world for the next. His long years of studies had revealed to him another possibility other than death.
Thus it came to pass that he did indeed breath his last just as his plans for the Hinnom were coming to fruition. He had however left strict instructions with his most trusted and gifted acolytes as to what should be done with his remains when the time came.
His acolytes prepared their masters remains in accordance with his instructions and thus it was that the Hinnom were not left without a God, but indeed beheld a new and more powerful version of their lord.
He pulsated with life and they could feel his power, not only emanating from him, but within themselves.
They bowed their heads in awe and wonder at his new magnificence, the Blood Lord.