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Old December 27th, 2011, 07:46 AM

Numahr Numahr is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.

Dear all Lords of Lesser but Respected Nations!

With Szivi's disappearance and his message of surrender received from afar, the Deep Council assesses that no standing power in this world can oppose Jörmungandr's claim to true Godhood.

Unambiguous messages of allegiance have also been received from the lords of Tien Chi and Ulm.

Nuhatussu! The time of ambiguity is over. Do you plea allegiance to our Lord Jörmungandr, as all others did? Refusal to do so at this late hour means you become a threat to the world's New Order and is equivalent to a declaration of war. Acceptance will grant you a seat at the Council of Minor Gods, next to Khorne and Li Xue. We expect a clear answer from you.

Khorne and Li Xue! Your allegiance has already been accepted. Jörmungandr will soon let you know your new responsibilities as members of the Council of Minor Gods.

Sang-i Setareh
in Behalf of Jörmungandr, God of Primordial Waters and Patron of Soldiers
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