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Old December 27th, 2011, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: YARG3, non newb MA+ENP2 RAND game. 11/18 players remain.

Arga Dis here. (set AI today with one non-fort prov left)

I had a great time playing and very much looking forward to YARG4.

My brief YARG-sanitised AAR.... (mainly fashonable whining on my starting cap spot )

On drawing Arga Dis from the pool my initial reaction was.. "Arga..... who??". I must say I ended up being very happy with this mod nation. In my 6 or 7 solo Indy-9 test games I was always 18+ provs (with three or so blood hunting sites) by the end of year 1 with a fort or two in production. No awake SC needed for this nation so I went uber scales... blood and money. I did play one SP Arga Dis to end game against the hordes of a dozen "impossible" AIs to gauge effectiveness in some massive clashes. Arga Dis does very well in that arena.

Turn one of the restarted game saw me looking at beachfront property "#$@!" with no way to get underwater for many many moons. Only 4 provs to draw resources from to build out my armies.

Turn two revealed that two of the 4 remaining cap adjacent provs were specials and waaay beyond any year one armies. This left me with 2 provs to draw resources from in the near term. (sigh)

Turn three (crushed barbarians in cap adjacent prov)

Turn four... attack woodsmen and.. the damned woodsmen have unscouted air mages ). My spartans go through a giant bug zapper. Prov taken but starting army decimated. (sigh)

end of year one tally.. 7 provinces, well below my 15 or so worst case scenario but.. still having fun.

The rest of the ARR can wait for you all to finish. Things look to be getting interesting. Good luck all.

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