Originally Posted by JonBrave
(The original question aside for one moment...)
There's one thing I don't understand: not intending to diminish your efforts/copyright in any way, but why do I want/need to play against your server on-line? (As I understand it, that's what your SP server requires(?)) Is there any point from my POV having to play turns on-line?
You dont have to. They are offered for quick friends games or IRC blitzes.
But some of them generate a map then run it thru a 3rd party program to add surprises.
The vsAI game allies all of the AIs against the human player (the AIs will not attack each other).
The SRAND runs the map thru SemiRand to plant surprise provinces. Like the Faerun map but changing each time. (I dont have the AI boosted gods included yet but its available if you run it yourself for solo play)
The CHAOS games are run thru a program which scrambles everything about as much as is possible without using a mod. Your starting army can be different, and have starting equipment. Every province can be wildly different. The AIs are allied. And there are two Independent AIs which can even make the white flags a surprise. Castles, temples, and labs can be found anywhere. And finally the things you run into are a surprise because the separation from god/leader/infantry is out. You might run into a slinger leading captains and bodyguarded by monoliths.
Also there are 3 maps downloadable from my server which are re-randomized daily. They use maps that came with the game and add a new map to your select list for the variant.
Partial_anos is a "Partial Independent" map based on the Parganos map. The "No Independents" maps are supposed to make the AI much better by forcing it to use national units instead of spending all its gold on cheap independents in every province. I prefer only partially no-independent so the PI map leave 1 in 10 provinces with recruitables. Still helps the AI and cuts down on MicroManagement. The problem is that you can learn where the good recruits are so the map needs to be re-randomized often which I offer.
Aran_Dom is the Aran map run thru the SemiRand program. Surprise provinces are scattered on the map. But again, its learnable so I offer a new version done daily.
And finally the
Poke in the Eye map is the Eye map which has been chaoticized. It gets rerun daily also so once you feel you are learning where everything is just download it again to get a different version
So yeah, it all CAN be done off server. But its a pain for people who just want to try it out so I offer online games already setup, or downloadable maps, so people can try them without the headaches. But you dont have to do it that way. In fact, if you get totally hooked on one I would prefer that you dont. After trying it out Id rather you run it yourself unless its MP play.