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Old December 28th, 2011, 05:30 PM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Thanks for the great information, Gandalf and Edi!

Gandalf, that sounds exactly like COE2 recruiting. Does that mean if you're on the lookout for e.g. a scout that you have to go check the recruiting screen each turn until one shows up? In COE, there would be announcements when wizards or heroes were available for hiring but not for normal commanders. Do the commanders stick around for more than one turn if you don't hire them immediately?

Does the hammer resource represent Dom style resources? What is the brown resource (supplies?) that seems to be common to the characters?

So how does one level up the mages in this game? Are experience stars helpful to spell casters? I know there are booster items; do they make spellcasters go to a higher level or add more known spells? Is there also something equivalent to Dom empowering? We've seen what level 1 and 2 guys get on the screenshots, but what about level 3 or 4 casters?
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