Originally Posted by shatner
3) A communion has 2 S1 slaves and one E1S1 master. The master casts Summon Earthpower, making him effectively an E3S2 caster. His slaves remain S1s (though now with reinvig-4) but are treated as E2S2s (+1 to all from communion of 2 slaves, +1E from Earthpower) for calculating their fatigue from the master's casting, right? In other words, do the path boosting spells (PotS, Earthpower, Phoenix Power, etc.) boost the slaves' fatigue path levels as well as their actual path levels?
Let me run a quick test.
Tien Chi Geomancer + 2 Ministers of Magic.
First run: Geomancer set to cast Earthpower (with a gem), C.Master, Blade Wind.
On Blade Wind, slave fatigue goes from 23 to 191
Second run: G set to C.Master, Earthpower, BW.
On Blade Wind, slave fatigue goes from 47 to 200. Crap. Gonna need a bigger set.
First run with 4 slaves (2 Ministers, 2 Geomancers)
On BW, Minister fatigue goes from 23 to 67.
Second run with 4 slaves
On BW, Minister fatigue goes from 27 to 67. Factor in the 4 from reinvig, and the fatigue bump's the same.
Non-existing paths don't get boosted in slaves.