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Old January 3rd, 2012, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log

Soyweiser I dont tend to take offense to much (and experts here have tested that) but that post irritates me. Congratulations.

A) "not value non beta testers input" is probably purposely trolling. As beta testers BOTH Edi and I have made sure that all opinions get passed. We might not argue in favor of them but we do pass it and point out where the discussion is occurring so the devs can read it themselves.

B) stating your opinions, and me stating mine, is fine. But harping on the subject does NOT improve its chances with the devs. Are you new here or something? Havent you seen the result of please & thankyou as opposed to "idiots are missing the obvious" style of discussion in actually getting things changed as far as the companies involved?
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