Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Sorry, but both of you are constantly are dismissive of any remarks made here. So as I cannot see into the beta forum, and a lot of behind the scenes stuff on this site has a questionable reputation. I'm skeptical. And never made it really clear that any information is passed along (Reading back, I see that I'm wrong it is mentioned that distribution suggestions would be passed along. My bad).
On the first page you already voice your opinion that releasing an open dev log is a bad idea. Not really something that fills me with trust. And first you ask for information regarding distribution channels, then both of you are very dismissive of any input. Most suggestions are either to expensive, creates horrible forums, or one of the beta testers detests the given option. Or it is just ignored. (How many times have people suggested that there are made youtube movies?)
Just look back at the thread, almost every suggestion is being dismissed by either you or Edi. Our (normal forumgoers) ties with Illwinter are not that close, we do not clearly know or understand what they want. (Actually, the times that I know it I do not understand it). And you made it pretty clear that even you guys have little influence in how it goes. So then it isn't that far off to think that I as a non beta tester have no influence whatsoever.
Sure it might irritate you, but this ivory tower dismissiveness of suggestions also irritates me. Especially when remarks about steam are being labeled as a dead horse just when there was a request for distribution suggestions.
So either we should shut up and not give suggestions (which are mostly dead horses anyway... this isn't meant as a troll, dom3 ai, and gui simply isn't that good. shrapnel pricing/distribution the same) or we should give suggestions which are then passed on to the beta forum (without being dismissed as irrelevant). There cannot be both.
I have no problem with the explanations of stuff and the updates however, those are nice additions.