Re: Happy New Year, New Game, New Players (noob EA game: Running))
A rare unclouded day in Fomoria greeted the crew of the ship sent to seek out the great power that had spoken to Balor of the renewal of the giants and the end of the curse. They were hand picked by the king for their loyalty, their bravery, and their belief that the fomorian people could overcome the curse with enough power. The ship was named Elanora, the same as the god who had revealed herself to the King. The Captain, Simragel, was a hand picked member of the King's Guard, a simple Firbolg who had proved his worth time and time again and had slowly moved up through the ranks of Army. Balor believed that Simragel and his small complement of men were the last, best hope of the Fomorian people.
Many of the druids and other Fomorian Kings believed it was a fool's dream. Better to trust is what had saved them time and time again: the dark magic of the underworld. Only time would show who was correct.