Originally Posted by PriestyMan
It is literally impossible to answer your question without more info. are the mandeha alone, what gear do they have, what kind of scripts have you seen, are your rudra going in alone?
She its not alone. Have 40-50 Kala-Mukha Warriors+ 25 Soulles, and some light Archers.
I script my Rudras with Soul Vortes+Phoenix Pyre+Attack flyers, but the Mandehas have some aura (chill?), and the Rudra always die.
I put equip in my Rudras: Shield of Gleaming Gold, Frost Band, Flambeu, Hydra Skin Armor, Boots of Messenger and Antimagic Amulet.
My Rudras its not alone too. But i only have Bandar Warriors and Light Archer, and with the Darkness they die faster.